How can you Transfer an Order from one user to another?

Often within an AMC it is common for an appraisal assignment to be reassigned to a different person within the company for various reasons.

A user in the role of a “Manager” within an AMC can assign the appraisal to someone else.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to the “Orders” page by choosing Orders from the left menu.

Step 2: Find an order that you would like to reassign and initiate the transfer by clicking on the 3-dots and choosing the “Transfer Order” option – see the screenshot below:

Step 3: The transfer dialog provides you the option to choose the user to whom you need to transfer the appraisal.

Select the new user by searching and/or selecting from the drop-down. Then click “Transfer Order”.

You could also contact us at to transfer an order from one account to another.