Real Estate Data API

Optimized for valuation platforms - nationwide listings & public records

Comprehensive Data Lake for valuation platforms

Listing Data updated every 15 minutes

Available to entitled users based on MLS permissions

Assessor Data updated daily

Property characteristics, ownership, occupancy, assessments, & taxes

Transaction Information & Deed History

20 years of transaction history, document types, recording dates

Voluntary Liens & Mortgage History

Open mortgages, Loan Type, LTV, & 20 years of mortgage history

Pre-Foreclosures, Notice of Default, Lis Pendens

Daily updates directly sourced from classifieds, county records, & more

MLSs Data
Counties Public Records
Counties Public Records
Property Images

Comparable search APIs optimized for valuation platforms

  • Geographical searches with radius / multi-polygons
  • Limit results by ZIP
  • Flexible bracketing for property characteristics
  • Numerous features searches: Pools, Basements, Solar

One Standardized Data Dictionary across all datasets - 550+ fields on every property

One Pipe for all your data - standardized

  • RESO Standard Listing Data from all MLSs
  • Assessor and Deed data also standardized to RESO
  • One common Data Dictionary across all data sets
  • 550+ fields on every property

Intelligent APIs to automatically find the best comps by widening the search area

All valuation use cases supported

  • Get Sales & Listings within a radius of a property
  • Get Sales & Listings within a Neighborhood
  • Sort comparable properties by Similarity Score
  • Prior Sales in 1 – 3 years for comp / subject
  • All images for every listing event on every property

Get an API Key and kick-off your project now