Profet Rental AVM
Accurate rent values on every residential property - including multi-families
Rental values computed from numerous property and neighborhood features
- Property Type – Single Family, Townhome, Condo, or 2-4 Family
- Living Spaces: Bedrooms, Bathrooms
- Area: Living Area, Lot Size
- Neighborhood Trends: Employment, Schools, Crime
- Market Rents: Current & Historical

Power your solution with Profet Rental AVM
Income Modeling
Appraisers use Profet Rental AVM to validate Income Approach valuations for Residental Investment Loans
Debt Service Coverage
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) reports are powered by Profet Renval AVM and 30-year financial model for properties
Investment Analytics
Lenders and Real Estate Brokers use the Rental AVM to guide investors on potential rental returns - Cap Rates / Cash-on-Cash
Nationwide rental data collected from MLSs and other sources power the rental AVM
Models used in computing the rent value

Average Rent per Sq Ft by Property Type & BR/BA counts

Similar Property clustering to find similar rentals in a market

Value Boundaries to automatically derive & process neighborhoods

HUD rentals for sparse markets & Consumer Price Index (CPI)